We have found that FSM helps with pain and inflammation reduction, which is a major part of many different conditions.
Some conditions which experience BENEFITS:
Achilles Tendonitis, Adhesions, Asthma, Back Pain, Bell’s Palsy, Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH), Bronchitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Concussion, Emotional Issues, Endometriosis Fibromyalgia Associated with Cervical Spine Injury, Fibrosis, Fractures, Frozen Shoulder, Goiter, Gout, Herpes, Interstitial Cystitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Kidney Stone Pain, Lymphedema, Migraine Headaches, Myofascial Pain, Osteoarthritis, Neuromuscular Pain and Inflammation, Peripheral Neuropathy, Post-Herpetic Neuralgia Post-Surgical Pain, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Reflexive Sympathetic Dystrophy (RDS), Restless leg syndrome, Scar Tissue, Sciatica, Shingles, Sinusitis, Spinal Disc Pain, Sports Injuries, Sprain/Strains, Temperomandibular Joint (TMJ), Pain, Tendon and Ligament Injury or Pain, Tension Headaches, Tennis Elbow, Vulvodynia, Weight Loss, Whiplash and Wound Healing
What is Frequency Specific Microcurrent or FSM?
FSM is a system of treatment using micro-amperage current and the resonance effects of frequencies on tissues and conditions to reduce symptoms and improve health. These are the answer to some of the most common questions about FSM.
What is microcurrent? Microcurrent is current in millionths of an ampere. Micro-amperage current is the same kind of current your body produces on its own so you can’t feel the current. Microcurrent has been shown to increase energy production in cells by 500% and numerous papers document its ability to improve healing in wounds and fractures.
What can the frequencies treat? The frequencies appear to change pain, function and even structure in a large number of clinical conditions. FSM is especially good at reducing inflammation, treating nerve, joint and muscle pain and dissolving or softening scar tissue. The frequencies to reduce inflammation have helped thousands of patients with inflammatory conditions such as asthma, liver problems, irritable bowel, cardiovascular disease and diabetic neuropathies. Patients who are treated within four hours of new injuries such as auto accidents and surgeries have reduced pain and great accelerated healing process due to the effects of both the current and the frequencies.
There are no guarantees that every protocol is going to be effective in every patient. In general, the frequencies either work or they don’t work and if they don’t work the simply have no effect. As long as appropriate proven therapies are not delayed or withheld, FSM “can’t hurt, might help.” Practitioners are trained in the concept that FSM is to be used as an adjunct to therapeutics appropriate to their discipline for the patient after proper diagnosis.
Are there any risks or dangers? No. There are frequencies used to remove scar tissue that should not be used within 6 weeks of a new injury. The device should not be used across the chest of patients with pacemakers. FSM should not be used on patients known to be pregnant even though there have been no adverse reactions in pregnancy.
Is there anyone FSM does not work on? Patients who are dehydrated cannot benefit from FSM. Every patient is advised to drink at least one quart of water in the two hours proceeding treatment. Patients who are chronically dehydrated may need more water for treatment to be effective.
The effectiveness of FSM depends almost entirely on an accurate diagnosis. Shoulder pain can come from muscles, tendons, bursa, nerves or the joint. FSM will treat all of these pain generators effectively but the practitioner must treat the right issue for the correct condition to effectively eliminate the pain. This analogy applies to every condition.
What is the difference between microcurrent and TENS? Microcurrent is approved in the category of TENS devices by the FDA. TENS devices deliver a thousand times more current, in the milliamp range, create muscle contraction and block pain messages traveling up the spine to the brain. TENS devices simply block pain and do not increase cellular energy production.
What is the difference between microcurrent and ultrasound? Ultrasound creates heat by vibrating the water molecules in tissue. It does not provide current nor does it change ATP status. Ultrasound provides beneficial results, but is completely different than microcurrent.
For more information visit: www.frequencyspecific.com
Sessions vary from 20-90 mins
Cost per treatment: $15-$25
FSM is not covered by insurance